- TypeTV-Series
- Episodes11 (~)
- Release Date06. Jul 2004
- Main genresRomantic Comedy
- Country of OriginJapan
- Adapted FromManga
- Target GroupMale
Girls Bravo: Second Season episode 1 Bravo at the Pool! Thanks to his family fortune, Fukuyama’s in charge of the school’s pool! He’s remodeled it into resort, but that’s not the only new change - with some help from Lisa, the creep has switched bodies with Yukinari! Get more information about Season 1 on TMDb. The Movie Database (TMDb) is a popular, user editable database for movies and TV shows. Sort Episode Number Ascending; Descending; Air Date. Bravo on a Rainy Day! August 23, 2004. Girls Bravo Eng Dub Ep 1-12. The morning after the End of Century Opening, Claudia arrives to find everything a complete mess and to make matters worse, Chantal shows up two hours late. Maggie returns to Eli's gallery to.
Anime Information
- Girls Bravo: First SeasonStatus: CompletedStudio:Anime International Co., Inc.
- Status: CompletedPublisher:Geneon Entertainment (USA) Inc., FUNimation, Madman Entertainment

Anime Description
A high school boy Yukinari has been bullied and abused by girls all his life and has developed gynophobia--a fear of women. In fact, just being around them makes him break out in hives! One day, he is transferred to a world that only females inhabit. There he meets a beautiful and mysterious girl named Miharu who inexplicably doesn’t affect him. He somehow manages to return to his own world, accompanied by Miharu, but shortly after, other girls follow them to his world and his life turns into a big mess!
Source: www.anisearch.com/anime/44
A high school boy Yukinari has been bullied and abused by girls all his life and has developed gynophobia--a fear of women. In fact, just being around them makes him break out in hives! One day, he is transferred to a world that only females inhabit. There he meets a beautiful and mysterious girl named Miharu who inexplicably doesn’t affect him. He somehow manages to return to his own world, accompanied by Miharu, but shortly after, other girls follow them to his world and his life turns into a big mess!
Source: www.anisearch.com/anime/44
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Anime New Items
- Girls Bravo - Complete Series: S.A.V.E.17. July 2012amazon.com
- Girls Bravo - Complete Series: Slimline (Re-Release)16. August 2011amazon.com
- Girls Bravo - Complete Series: Slimline23. November 2010amazon.com
- Girls Bravo - Complete Series28. November 2006amazon.com
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Anime Forum
- TitleCreated byLast post
- Created by simo.cocu in Reviews1 Postsimo.cocu
- Comments – Girls Bravo
- Episode 1 – Girls Bravo
Anime Reviews
Girls Bravo Season 1 Episode 11 Spoilers
Anime molto divertente e leggero. ll carattere comico è mantenuto in tutta la serie, con qualche dettaglio piccante e qualche doppio senso che non guastano mai. A mio parere l'elemento caratterizzante di questo anime sono i due protagonisti che contrastano in maniera perfetta, l'uno è l'esatto opposto dell'altro. Insomma elementi mescolati in maniera perfetta fanno di questo anime un semplice capolavoro.

Girls Bravo Season 2
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Girls Bravo Season 1 Episode 11
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