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Greaves Diesel Engine Model 5520 Price
- Greaves acquires the distributorship of OTIS in Pakistan.
- The Pakistani Cherat Cement Factory has put into operation the world-famous mining dump truck by a noted Belarusian firm, Belaz, in partnership with its local distributor Greaves Pakistan. A ribbon-cutting ceremony was organized on March 26th in Lakari village, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa.
- Greaves & WIlo participate in the 26th HVACR Exhibition at Karachi.
- Greaves & Belaz have partnered to take mining in Pakistan to a whole new level, bringing reliability, productivity, and durability.
- Greaves exhibited at the biggest Construction Machinery Fair, 14th Build Asia 2018. We exhibited our construction machinery, genset, solar solution, material handling equipment, pumps, air compressors, lighting and construction tools.
- Greaves proudly powered and showcased its Micro Data Center at IDEAS Exhibition 2018.
- 52nd Annual Convention of the Pakistan Society of Sugar Technologists (PSST) presented an excellent opportunity for Greaves and its principals, Peter Brotherhood and Broadbent Thailand, to meet customers and visitors from the local sugar industry.
- Greaves launched its state-of-the-art Micro Data Center at the e-Banking Exhibition 2018.
- Greaves is proud to be associated with the prestigious Emaar Giga Project. Greaves supplied construction machinery including Transit Mixers, Wheel Loaders, Placing Boom and Compressors.
- Greaves Pakistan successfully completed Reshun HPS Project in District Chitral for Pakhtunkhwa Energy Development Organization.
- Greaves Pakistan acquires distributorship of German Engine Manufacturer, DEUTZ
- Greaves Pakistan with an overwhelming presence participated in the Textile Asia 2018. The exhibition held from 27th March to 29th March witnessed local as well as foreign visitors.
- Greaves Pakistan participated in ITIF 2018 from 13th March to 15th March.
- Greaves exhibited at Build Asia 2017 from 18th to 20th December. We showcased product range of Power Generation, Solar, Material Handling, Earthmoving Machinery, Pump, and Elevators.
- Kohler SDMO becomes an OEM brand. Recently launched KD Series ranges 800kVA - 4,200KVA comprises of Kohler Diesel engines.
- Greaves represents 'JCB' Earthmoving machinery in Pakistan.
- Greaves Pakistan Ltd. has acquired distributorship of renowned German manufacturer of Pumps and Pumping Solutions 'WILO'

Greaves Diesel Engine Model 5520 Parts
Gendiesel is the only authorized distributor of Greaves Agricultural Engines and Generator Sets in the Philippines - sales, repair, service, training and spare parts.Greaves Agricultural Engines & Generator sets We offer Greaves Diesel engines to the agricultural industry in the range of 8 – 24 HP and in standby and prime power gensets from 30 – 100kWe. These engines and generator sets, manufactured in India, offer products from the market leader in the diesel engine industry there. The agricultural engines are known for their robust construction and are extremely user friendly in remote farm areas. The generator sets represent the state of the art engine technology and have been built with fuel economy, durability and ease of maintenance in mind. Why Gendiesel?