Separate Front And Rear Audio Jacks Windows 10

  • Solution 4: Using the Audio jack at the back. If all the above method fails to remedy the problem, you can try plugging your audio jack at the back of the device. Each computer has a capability for front audio jacks but always have audio jacks connected directly to the motherboard at the backside of the tower. Audio Jack at back.
  • Check the Front Panel Audio Jack Plug. To simplify the matter, you would better check the physical.
  • Under the Playback Device options, you can choose between “ Mute the rear output device, when a front headphone plugged in ” or “ Make front and rear output devices playback two different audio streams simultaneously “. Select the latter, if you want the speaker from the back panel to play audio while the front headphone is also playing.

Setting Audio Device as Default. In the best case, it is possible that there is nothing wrong with the. This will enable You to connect a Headphone on the front without getting your rear audio jack disabled Then in Windows 10 you can click the default audio icon down to the right near the time/date and choose what output device You want to listen from. This way You can easily switch between the two with just a click.

Separate Front And Rear Audio Jacks Windows 10 Pro

Splitting the front and back audio ports of your Soundcard allows you to use various different Audio setups to in or exclude sound sources.

Below you can see the Realtek Control Panel (Asus styled) as well as an example Via Control Panel:

SeparateRearSeparate Front And Rear Audio Jacks Windows 10Separate Front And Rear Audio Jacks Windows 10

Use the marked options to split your Audio ports, next we want to make sure you can see all Audio devices in your Windows System. So please open the control panel and then the Sound options:

Separate Front And Rear Audio Jacks Windows 10 Upgrade

For the moment we want to see all disabled and disconnected Devices. Later on you can deactivate both checkmarks. Similar to my example picture you should have a 2nd output device (Realtek or VIA) that might be disabled at the moment, then enable it. Now you are ready to go and use the split ports.



New Member

Separate Front And Rear Audio Jacks Windows 10 64-bit

This is going to be a long shot but i'm desperate for an answer:
My pc broke down some time ago so i decided to get an upgrade. I kept my old graph-card and my drives but got a new motherboard (asrock z77 Pro3), cpu (i5-3470 3.2GHz, quad) and memory (Corsair vengeance DIMM DDR3 1600 CL9 2x4gb). I let the guys at the shop put it all together and everything works in the end. Except one thing i just to have on my old gigabyte motherboard. After installing the drivers i lacked the Realtek HD Audio Manager. So i installed it and it finally opened (still doesnt auto start though when booting windows 7-64bit). The problem now is i can't choose the output on each jack.
Now i love sound, and i have two different systems. each have their own speakers and amplifiers. They are hooked up to my pc with AUX cables. The problem is that Realtek Audio Manager will not let me choose which jack (on the back of my pc) get's which output. I both want them to have the 'front speaker out'-output.
Can someone help me?
I already tried the following things: re-installing drivers, updating them, re-installing windows, utility software, reattach all hardware (also clear bios).
Here you can find some screens that probably will be useful.