Hack Windows 10 Pro

As you can see in the above picture, “window is not activated”, But don’t worry after reading the whole post your are able to activate your window 10 without any cost and activation will be complete, permanent and for lifetime. The topics covered in this article are You can Activate windows 10 permanently,KMSpico Activator,loader by daz.

Steps to activate your windows 10 ( Activate windows 10 permanently):- You just need to follow the steps mentioned below and use the windows 10 pro key generator tool wisely. When you complete the 4 steps then you will be able to Activate windows 10 permanently,KMSpico Activator,loader by daz. While most of us go about our business without thinking of harming anyone else, others would like nothing more than to infect your Windows 10 PC with malware or hack their way into your life to.

The window 10 has lots of new features and a very good user interface. So after the launch of window 10, everyone wants to install window 10 and use it.

But only a few have activated it’s window 10 permanently to get its full features. If you will not activate your window 10 then your lacking lot’s of features and you can’t get the full benefit of window 10.


In this article, I am gonna share with you a simple and easy method to activate your window 10 permanently for a lifetime by using KMSpico activator.

You can also use loader by daz but KMSpico is one of the best and my personal Favourite.

If you wanna stick to your old window and don’t wanna install or activate window 10 permanently for a lifetime then you can also activate your old window. Click here, to know the steps for how to activate window 7.

Requirement to Activate Window 10

  • You need to download the KMSpico activator(Link given below).
  • It does not required any technical knowledge.
  • You just need to follow the below mention steps.

And nothing else. You are good to go.

What is KMSPico?

KMSpico is an activator. It is the most famous window activator and super easy to use. It will not only activate your window but it also activates all Microsoft’s productsyou installed.

You can also find this activator for other versions of windows. Activate windows 10 permanently, KMSpico Activator, loader by Daz,2019

KMSpico is the most searched tool for Activation of Microsoft Products. We have made KMSpico Final Absolute version that can activate all Microsoft Products.

You don’t need to use multiple activators for multiple Microsoft products. This is all in one, fully successful, and totally clean tool. Activation will be complete, permanent, and for a lifetime.

It is one of the best free windows 10 pro key generator tool. Activate window 10 permanently, KMSpico Activator, loader by Daz,2019.

Beware of such websites which are providing virus, malicious file instead of KMSpico activator. Which can do bad to your system instead of doing good. So I suggest you to download it from the below link or from any other trustable source.

How to activate windows 10

Nowadays, many people want to use the original window but do not want to spend money on it.

If you are one of them then you are in the right place. I will show how to activate windows 10 using windows 10 pro key generator namely called KMSpico without spending a penny.

KMSpico is a very useful software to activate window 10. You can also activate other windows using this windows 10 pro key generator. I have shared the steps below to know how to activate windows 10.

Make Windows 10 Hack Proof

Steps to activate your windows 10 ( Activate windows 10 permanently):-

You just need to follow the steps mentioned below and use the windows 10 pro key generator tool wisely.

When you complete the 4 steps then you will be able to Activate windows 10 permanently,KMSpico Activator,loader by daz.

  1. Firstly, you have toDownload KMSpico. (Skip the ad in 5 sec to redirect to actual link)
  2. Then, Disable your internet connection.
  3. Disable your Antivirus also. Otherwise, the Antivirus considers the crack file as a Virus and delete the file. In other words, you will not be able to activate your windows 10.
  4. Now open the KMSPico file and Click on activate button. It will activate Microsoft All Products which is installed on your device. isn’t it cool?
  5. And that’s it, now your Windows 10 activated.

After following the above steps your query Activate windows 10 permanently,KMSpico Activator,loader by daz will be solved.

Now you can operate the window 10 without any disturbance and take advantage of window 10 activated version.

If the steps aren’t clear or you want to see the video illustration of the steps then we also have that.

Below is the link to activate window 10 permanently and you can also see the proof of activation there. If you like that video that do subscribe also.

See Also

Supported Products:-

  • Windows Vista Bussines/Enterprise
  • Windows 7 Professional/Enterprise
  • Microsoft Windows 8 Core/Pro/Enterprise
  • Windows 8.1 Core/Pro/Enterprise
  • Windows 8.1.x Core/Pro/Enterprise
  • Microsoft Windows 10 Home/Pro/Enterprise
  • Microsoft Office 2007
  • MS Office 2010
  • Microsoft Office 2013
  • Microsoft Office 2016
  • Window 10
  • Window 10 pro

As you can see below, your window is activated by following the super easy and simple steps.

Is KMSpico is safe?

Yes, it is safe but make sure you have downloaded it from reliable source.

Why I am saying this to download it from a reliable source because many people bind some kind of virus, malicious file that can slower your computer or worse steal your information.

So it’s not only about KMSpico activator download, but if you download anything from the internet make sure the source is reliable. If you always do that then your pc will stay away from the virus.

So in short, KMSpico is safe you can download it and activate windows 10. But the file, apps, software come along with can be dangerous for you and your computer. So I recommend you to download it from our link.

(Skip the ad in 5 sec to redirect to actual link)

Activate Windows 10 – Video Illustration:-


After following the steps that are mentioned above, you will be able to Activate windows 10 permanently,KMSpico Activator,loader by daz.

The steps are so simple that one who doesn’t have any technical knowledge can also activate their window 10 for free.

When it comes to activating your window, KMSpico activator comes in the mind. Because it is best in their field.

It’s free, simple to use and virus free. but make sure you download it from the reliable source like above link.

If you have any questions regarding window 10 activation, then you can ask in the comment section.

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Have you made the switch to Windows 10 on your primary operating system? With it being free, and Microsoft pushing the update to users, most of you probably already have. And if you haven’t, listen. XP is dead. Let it go. LET IT GO! LET TO GO-OH-OH! Sorry, where was I?

Oh, yeah, Windows 10 is awesome. To help you get even more of the awesome out of Windows 10, we’ve scoured the web to provide you with the top 33 Windows 10 tips, tricks, hacks, and tweaks for your computing pleasure. Anyway, check out these cool tips and more to see if you can get some more cool factor out of 10.

1. Enable virtual desktops

For starters, yes, Linux has had this for years. I usually have six in my tray in KDE and mouse through them like a boss. But this is Windows, and it’s great to have this finally. To turn on virtual desktops, Win+Tab to get the Aero view, then click “+New Desktop” down in the lower right. You can have as many as you want, and switch between them by clicking the Desktop icon next to the search box.

2. Print to PDF

There is finally a built-in PDF printer in Windows 10. To print anything as PDF file, just pick the “Microsoft Print to PDF” printer.

3. Use Wi-Fi Sense to make getting online easy

Much maligned, and definitely misunderstood, Wi-Fi Sense is actually pretty cool, when you’re not an enterprise security admin. This lets you identify and share Wi-Fi hotspots with your contacts, including the PSK to get onto them, so if you set up a guest network at home, have a guest network at work, or find one at your favourite coffee shop, you can share the details with your contacts, and they can do the same with you. Of course, it requires that the networks are either open or use a pre-shared key. If your “enterprise” Wi-Fi network is using PSK, you’re doing it wrong! Of course, you can turn it off. See http://windows.microsoft.com/en-us/windows-10/wi-fi-sense-faq if this bothers you.

Hack Windows 10 Pro

Use Quick Access in Explorer

Favourites in Explorer has replaced the Quick Access menu, and it’s much cooler. With several options you can use to customize your experience, you can make Windows 10 do just what you want. Here’s a rundown.

4. Open File Explorer to:

This lets you choose whether to default to Quick access, or the “This PC” view.

5. Show recently used files in Quick access

Turn it off if you don’t want to see the MRU list of files.

6. Show recently used folders in Quick access

As above. Turn it off if you don’t want to see the MRU list of folders, but odds are good that will prove to be dead useful!

7. Clear

Something in the MRU list you’d rather not have showing? Hit Clear to drop the list like your browser history!

Customize the shell!

There are new and subtle settings in the Command Prompt and/or PowerShell lets you make all kinds of cool customizations above and beyond just tweaking colours. On the Options tab, check out the following.

8. Filter clipboard contents on paste

This is totally awesome, especially when pasting from a browser. It will swap smart quotes to straight quotes, and remove tabs so your pastes are what you want.

9. Enable line wrapping selection

Thank you jeebus! This does exactly what it says.

10. Copy/Paste

Yes, in both PowerShell and the command prompt, your CTRL-C, -X, and –V keys work now.

11. Persistent command history

You know how up and down arrows let you scroll through your command history. Guess what? Your history now persists, so when you open a shell, your commands from last time are available. How cool is that?

12. Extended text selection keys

Let’s you use home, end, shift arrows, CTRL-C, CTRL-X, and CTRL-V just like you are accustomed to in just about every other text program ever. Up and down arrows still scroll through the command buffer, but I don’t think you’d really want to get rid of that.

13. Wrap text output on resize

Okay, this is on the Layout tab, but it’s still new. If you do have to resize a shell window, this will wrap the text to match.

14. Opacity

Sure, we have had this in Linux shells for years. So what? Now we have it in Windows, and it’s just as cool. Practical? Nokia x2 tools free download software. Maybe not. But still, cool! I like 90%. It’s dense enough to read, but still lets me see what is behind it.

If you don’t see those options, clear the checkbox next to “Use legacy console (requires relaunch)” and, well, relaunch!

15. Get more fonts

Want to add other fonts to the shell? Me too! Here’s how.

  1. First, you have to use monospaced True type fonts.
  2. Launch regedit and navigate to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREMicrosoftWindows NTCurrentVersionConsoleTrueTypeFont
  3. Create a new REG_SZ and give it a unique number
  4. Enter the name of the True type Font you want to use.
  5. Reboot to make it available.

Note that some TTFs won’t work. Experiment to find the one you like. I use Ubuntu Mono. See http://www.codeproject.com/Articles/30040/Font-Survey-42-of-the-Best-Monospaced-Programming for some other good options for monospaced fonts. Not all are free, but some good ones are at http://www.fontsquirrel.com/fonts/list/classification/monospaced.

16. Shake it off

If you want to disable the Aero shake thing that causes all open windows to minimize, there’s an easy reg-hack to do so.

  1. Launch regedit and navigate to HKEY_CURRENT_USERSoftwarePoliciesMicrosoftWindows.
  2. Create a new key called Explorer
  3. Create a new DWORD(32) names NoWindowsMinimizingShortcuts
  4. Set it to 1.

17. Disable the startup delay

If your machine is screaming fast to boot, uses an SSD, and is otherwise a rocket, you can get even more speed by disabling the startup delay that Windows includes by default to keep from overtaxing your hardware.

  1. Launch regedit and navigate to CURRENT_USERSoftwareMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionExplorerSerialize
  2. Create a new DWORD named StartupDelayInMSec
  3. Set it to 0.

18. Background scrolling

Check it out. You can mouse over another windows and scroll it without clicking on it first, stealing focus from your active window. That’s dead useful when one window is instructions, and the other is the shell you are trying to enter command within!

Check out all these keyboard shortcuts

Some of these are tried and true, but some may be new to you, and all work great in Windows 10.

19. Windows Key-A launches the Action Center

20. Windows Key-I launches the Settings App

21. Windows Key-X launches the Power User Menu

22. Windows Key-R launches the Run dialog

23. Windows Key-Tab brings up the task view

24. Windows Key-Right-Up moves the active app to top right quadrant

25. Windows Key-Ctrl-Left or Right navigates across your virtual desktops

26. Windows Key-Ctrl-D creates a new virtual desktop

27. Windows Key-S brings up the Daily Glance for weather, news, sports, etc.

28. Windows Key-Ctrl-F4 closes the active virtual desktop

29. Windows Key-Up and Down snaps the active app to top or bottom of screen or maximizes it.

30. Get back more taskbar by losing the Search bar

Cortana is cool and all that, but if you don’t use the “Ask me anything” box, you can buy back a lot of taskbar real estate by turning that off. Here’s how.

  1. Right-click the task bar.
  2. Choose Cortana options
  3. Remove the checkbox next to “Show search box.”

31. LastActiveClick

My favourite hack in this list is this one. I may have a dozen tabs open in IE at any point in time. If I click on another app, then have to get back to the tab I was on and click on the E icon, it pops up all the open tabs and even the windows so I have to figure out which one I was on. With this hack, if I just click, it takes me back to exactly the tab I was on. This works the same on other apps too, so if I had seventeen Word docs open, it would just take me right back to the last one I was active in when I click the icon.

Windows 10 Activation Hack

  1. Open regedit and navigate to HKEY_CURRENT_USERSOFTWAREMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionExplorerAdvanced
  2. Create a new 32bit Dword called LastActiveClick.
  3. Set it to 1.
  4. Profit!

32. Find the hidden images

The lock screen and logon screen have some really cool images, which as it turns out, by default both rotate AND change. Seems Microsoft has a CDN that updates these images based on what you click that like or not. Want to save one or more of those images for future use? Here’s where they are hiding!

  1. Open Explorer and brows to %localappdata%PackagesMicrosoft.ContentDeliveryManager_[custom string of characters]LocalStateAssets
  2. Copy all of the files to a new directory.
  3. Open a command prompt in that directory.
  4. Run this command
    ren *.* *.png [enter]
  5. Browse through them and find the ones you like!

33. Battery saver settings let you get every single mA out of your battery

The Battery saver settings can help extend your laptop’s battery life when you’re at 32K feet and not in first class. Go to Settings, Battery saver, and make sure it is set to come on. You can adjust when it does come on based on estimated battery life remaining, and what it does to help extend things, like reducing the screen brightness and limiting the apps that can run in the background and do push notifications. Since those need CPU and Wi-Fi to work, limiting the things running in the background can really make a difference.

With so many cool tweaks and hacks, you should have found something neat and new to help you pimp your desktop, but I am sure we missed some of the best. So if you have a favourite hack or tweak that makes Windows 10 your pawn, leave a comment and let us know what you’ve done. Thanks!

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Cracking Windows 10 Pro

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